Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy
We offer shipping with rates $8-$24. The rate of your shipping costs depends on how many locations your order is processing from. These shipping rates will not be adjusted. The amount that is given at checkout is the amount that you will be charged. Please allow shipments 1-2 business days to be processed to ship. Tracking information is provided via email to the customer at the time the order has shipped.
We currently only ship within the United States.
Please inspect your order immediately upon receipt. The Silo Boutique is not responsible for damaged or defective items past our 14 day return policy. If you have received a damaged or defective item please visit contact one of our store locations by a phone call or text to begin exchange. If you want to exchange for the same item, you will be presented with this option if that item is still in stock or you may return for store credit, whichever you prefer.
Once a package has been shipped from our store we are not responsible for the package. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or replacing shipments for packages shown as delivered. We will supply order and tracking information for customers to provide to the U.S. Postal Service to file a claim. We will work with customers to replace packages after sending us a copy of their filed police report. Please contact one of our store locations if you believe your package has been lost or stolen.
Text or call us at The Silo Boutique
Warren Location 218-201-3300 • Grand Forks Location 701-740-8412
Grafton 701-360-0254
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